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Visitors 34
Modified 22-Jul-21
Created 29-Dec-15
86 photos

Arrival by Dean Chiang, XyclopxBy a TreeParis through the Train Window by Dean Chiang, XyclopxBoy and Girl in front of Window by Dean Chiang, XyclopxQuai de Gesvres by Dean Chiang, XyclopxLady Lit by Lights by Dean Chiang, XyclopxRiders by Dean Chiang, XyclopxFan by Dean Chiang, XyclopxArt Is True by Dean Chiang, XyclopxStriders by Dean Chiang, XyclopxHer Hair by Dean Chiang, XyclopxFrench Table by Dean Chiang, XyclopxBlood Veins of an Ancient Behemoth by Dean Chiang, XyclopxSnake by Dean Chiang, XyclopxFrenchmen by Dean Chiang, XyclopxAgainst the Wall by Dean Chiang, XyclopxThe System by Dean Chiang, XyclopxMetro by Dean Chiang, XyclopxThree Women by Dean Chiang, XyclopxMother and Child by Dean Chiang, Xyclopx

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Guestbook for Neuf en Noir
Overall reaction to the book:

What an exciting, dramatic book!!! The images hang together well for a single theme and style.

The black paper used throughout the book make a very dramatic statement. Even the initial pages ... there are several blank black pages that really set the mood.
Pros for black:
sets the mood
tells the reader "this isn't your mother's photo book"
tells the reader "this is art. get used to it!!"

Cons for black:
it makes it difficult for text/captions and wisely (I think) none was included. This would not be an issue for my photography book --- gives me an excuse not to come up with something. But I am surprised you have nothing to say ... you have a way with words and seem to have a need to say them.
it seems to make the book less approachable. The book is formidable in some way.

Another issue:
The square format. The square format makes the compromises between portrait and landscape mode images less severe, it also means that no image can take advantage of the shape of the page. For instance, if the book were rectangular (and landscape mode) then portrait mode images will be able to fully utilize the page, albeit at the expense of portrait mode images.

More comments later on individual images.
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